Thursday, August 14, 2014

Potential Biogas from POME

The estimated potential energy generated from biogas in Malaysia is 1.88 million MWhr of electricity which is equivalent to 261 MW of the potential power based on 21% efficiency in a steam plant (based on yield of FFB in 2009).

FFB = 85.71 million tonnes
Effluent (67% of FFB) = 57.42 million tonne = 57.42 million m3
Biogas (28 m3 per m3) = 1607.76 million m3

Biogas CV at 35C (20 MJ per m3, 1607.76 x 20 million MJ = 32155.2 million MJ) = 32155.2 million MJ = 8.93 million MWhr
(*1MWhr = 1MJ/3600)

Power Output (21% of heat output) = 8.93 million MWhr x 21% = 1.88 million MWhr

Power plant size (Plant operates 300 days per year = 7200 hr per year) = 1 880 000 / 7200 = 261.11 MW.

Source :  NKEA / MPOB

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